Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall and Freedom

I'm sitting on my bed, window open, rain falling, an iced german chocolate mocha in the window sill. There is still a lot of homework to get done from my summer class... yeah... I know, yesterday was the first day of fall. I'm realizing today that it is time for change. I wish my coffee was a cup of hot cider, I wish that I was 'free' from school, I wish that it was the next season of life. My reasoning is freedom. I want to escape the things that I feel are weighing me down (well I don't think the coffee is weighing me down... hot cider just sounds suiting for the day). Funny that this morning at AU's chapel the woman speaking tied freedom and responsibility together. I very much know that whatever my situation there will be responsibilities... I will never be free from responsibility. Ideally I wish this wasn't the case... oh reality.

So I guess I have to find a new definition for freedom...
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Other things to note:

I want to take a break from homework tomorrow and check out this apple orchard I found via the
I felt highly praised in my philosophy class yesterday by THE most intimidating prof. on campus.
Sunday my mom got a makeover from Macy's and Clinton Kelly (from What Not to Wear). It was part of their 'Makeover America'. I got to watch her fashion show via the internet... but it just wasn't the same as being there... :( She looked sassy... like daughter like mother :)
Something I was thinking: It's not failure unless it fails to try again.
Sometimes I miss Kansas, the people there, and the familiarity.
I have a heart for the European Church. I get to go to Italy and (pretty sure) Germany December-January time... already counting down.
I'm going to teach my kids at a young age how to utilize verbs and nouns rather than adjectives.

Love always and FOREVER


  1. I like your last's cool and good, yup, I like it! And there's something else I want to say, but I'll wait a couple of days..... :)

  2. Last sentence, not point. And sorry this probably made you more excited 'cause you thought a couple people already commented.

  3. nouns and verbs often call for a plethora of amazing, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, fascinating, marvelous, miraculous, striking, wonderful adjectives though ... oh, sorry i missed your call this week.
